Exam success for Nordin after RCF exam scheme support!

Nordin Belkabir successfully applied to the RCF under our exam support scheme, and has now passed the foundation exam.

Please join us in congratulating Nordin !

The scheme is still open and the trustees encourage anyone who is under the age of 21, in full-time education and needs help with the exam fee.

Anyone seeking funding should send their details in an email to rcfsecretary@commsfoundation.org along with a short supporting statement from a parent or guardian outlining why they should be supported by an RCF funded exam. This should include brief details of their interest in amateur radio, and how they have trained, or are training, for the Foundation exam. For someone over 18 in full-time education we will be happy to take a supporting statement from a teacher or tutor. This will help the Trustees make their decisions.