
The Radio Communications Foundation is a Registered Charity set up by, but independent from, the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB).

Its objective is—

To advance the education of the public in the science and practice of radio communication and electrical engineering and to promote the wider benefits to the public resulting from such education and training

Its main aim is to create a fund which can be used to support initiatives to bring radio communications into the classroom, universities and any place where hands-on demonstrations enhance understanding of the world of radio communications.

As such, its primary function is as a grant making body.

It has no employees or direct volunteers except for the trustees and operates mainly through grant making.

Trustees are sometimes involved in direct engagement with young people at events run by or in conjunction with RSGB or on their behalf or by other organisations.


  1. Activities of Radio Communications Foundation shall at all times be governed by the RSGB Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy (13-page/226KB PDF).
  2. If any event is organised in the name of Radio Communications Foundation, the RSGB safeguarding policy shall apply as if Radio Communications Foundation were a club affiliated to RSGB.
  3. The trustees will review this policy at their first meeting in each calendar year to ensure that it remains fit for purpose, taking note of any changes in the RSGB policy during the year.
  4. Any incident or allegations of bullying or abuse occurring at or arising out of an event with which the Radio Communications Foundation’s name is associated shall be brought promptly to the attention of the RCF secretary (email: and copied to all trustees (email: Any serious safeguarding incidents, complaints or allegations shall be immediately reported to the Charities Commission.